Hypatia in the night market on the vernal equinox

Feb 14, 09:12 PM

Episode image
"I was unsure how to find a way into the project until I found the bell sound - maybe from a tram or bus or something? - which worked really well as a simple rhythm as the bell pattern is quite syncopated and then the final 'beat' is a car door shutting.

"It became quite hypnotic, so I decided to go with that feeling and try to capture an implied altered-state, hallucinogenic journey through the night market. 

"I then started reading about Hypatia the ancient Alexandrian mathematician and philosopher who was murdered for her 'pagan' beliefs - with one theory suggesting this took place on the vernal equinox - and so I thought I would tie the two things together."

Zanket El Setat night market, Alexandria reimagined by Hawksmoor.