What do Poles have to do with It?

Episode 112,   Feb 11, 05:01 PM

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Hello Friends! Welcome back to my show!

This week I would like to discuss polarity, another aspect of Duality. And what is Duality? The Nature of the Universe, or so it seems. Everything has an Off/On, Up/Down, Hot/Cold, Is/Isn't, and the list goes on Ad infinitum. But when we look really closely at any of these attributes, aren't they all describing the same thing. If something is bigger than something else, its bigger, but if the smaller thing is also bigger than something else; THEN isn't it Also Bigger? Words don't do this situation justice.. What makes something Big and something else Small if it doesn't have anything else to relate too?

I would like to apply this polarity of things in existence to our own inner worlds. We have lights and darks of our personality too, but in perspective to what? Carl Jung coined the term Shadow to speak about these repressed areas of our psyche, and that is exactly what I would like to discuss today! Also with some of my writings, a verse of Chuang Tzu, and a small reading from Richard and Iona Millers wonderful book: The Modern Alchemist- A guide to Personal Transformation.

Thankyou so much for giving me your Attention and Ears! I will be forever grateful! Have a wonderful week! If you would like to talk about ANYTHING please email me at thegingerbreadmansdialogues@gmail.com

Photo Credit: Ginger Bread Man- Filip Mishevski; North Pole of Earth:  Gaël Gaborel - OrbisTerrae on Unsplash