Robbie Holz - Guardian Angel assisted - mind, body, spirit healing

Feb 10, 12:37 AM

Episode image

Robbie offers an online healing course with meditations and video instructions on how to enlist help from your spirit guides.

 Whole health healing.  Mind - body - spirit.

Robbie Holz shares how her relationship continues with [now deceased husband] Gary and has expanded with other spirit connections. She has authored two books since we last connected.

Angels in Waiting: How to Reach Out to Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides, Amazon affiliate link.

And a 60-day guidebook - Vibrant Living: Braving the Pandemic with Help from Your Guardian Angel, Amazon sponsored link.
Amazon Review [edited]: "Robbie's book focuses on communication with spirit--specifically with your angels. The most powerful aspect of this book for me is that it connects that kind of communication (how it works; how to do it; and how to receive validation for it) with the Covid pandemic. I am of the conviction that CO-VID, CO, from the Latin meaning "shared" or "together," and VID, from the Sanskrit, meaning "wisdom" or "awakening," is the missing link to processing these potentially trying times. Robbie offers a way to do that in a simple, daily format to align with the infinite source of abundant guidance and help that is there for all of us to access."

Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening, Link

Previous interview:

Robbie offers an online healing course. Includes meditations and video instructions on how to enlist help from spirit guides. Here is a short healing segment introduction. YouTube.

This is the video I mentioned: Aboriginal healing methods carried down 40,000, or quite possibly 60,000 years and still in use. A beautiful example of healers at work, The Healing Touch: Indigenous healers getting results: Link. Demonstrating how Aboriginal healing touch can remove pain. The belief is that all illness has a spiritual cause.

Wendy's Blog.
Wendy's Nightlights on YouTube.