TONIGHT: The show begins in DC where the Congress refuses Kyiv, then to West Baghdad where the US drone strikes Iraqi militia. To Mexico City for the Election June 2. To London and Berlin and NYC and falling CRE assessments. To Ottawa, February 2022. To t
Feb 09, 02:46 AM
TONIGHT: The show begins in DC where the Congress refuses Kyiv, then to West Baghdad where the US drone strikes Iraqi militia. To Mexico City for the Election June 2. To London and Berlin and NYC and falling CRE assessments. To Ottawa, February 2022. To te Fed, to geosynchronous orbit for Solar Space Power. To Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. More in Santiago, Mexico City, Panama City, Brasilia.
1911 Maine derelict, Havana Harbor
1911 Maine derelict, Havana Harbor