People-Pleasing as a Result of Maternal Narcissism-Recognising it & How to stop

Season 2, Episode 43,   Feb 06, 06:57 AM

Episode image
Do you try your best to meet everyone else’s needs before yours?
Do you get very upset if you think someone doesn’t like you or has a problem with you?
Do you find it very difficult to say no to people around you?
Do you get exhausted by having to interact with others?

The pattern of People-Pleasing is one we can easily fall into as daughters of narcissistic mothers, as we carry wounds such as "I am unlovable" or "I am not enough".

Constantly seeking validation and approval, seeking to be loved and accepted by attempting to never disappoint the person in front of you, and changing yourself to please others can leave you feeling alone, exhausted, used by people, at risk of ending up in abusive relationships, overworked in your job, anxious and fearful of the opinion of others, wanting to be alone because interacting with others is too exhausting, unable to keep friendships going long term, eventually showing symptoms in your body and more.

If you are feeling any of these, I get it! I have been a people pleaser too! 

In this episode we speak to how to recognise that you might be a people-pleaser, why does this pattern manifest and how to stop doing it in a healthy way.

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To know more about the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme email Matilde at

With Love!