DEEP DIVE: Edgar Cayce | The Sleeping Prophet's Eerie Predictions

Episode 527,   Jan 31, 10:00 AM

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Edgar Cayce discovered psychic gifts as a child, curiously sleeping on textbooks to absorb their contents. This uncanny ability to intuit medical diagnoses without formal training made him an accidental medical clairvoyant who helped thousands.

Edgar Cayce—the 'Sleeping Prophet'—discovered his psychic gifts as a child while doing peculiar things like sleeping on his textbooks. When sick, Cayce would perform self-healing while hypnotized. His uncanny ability to diagnose and cure ailments turned him into a reluctant medical clairvoyant. He helped thousands, yet doctors, family, and investors looked to exploit his talents. Cayce fought to maintain virtue. He established a holistic hospital and pioneered integrative therapies still used today. However, his benefactor abandoned him at the onset of the Great Depression. Later, Cayce's visions chilled, predicting events like WWII, JFK's death—and a coming global catastrophe that remakes continents and drowns billions.

Was Cayce authentic? There are doubters, yet he brought comfort and progress. His selfless character merits applaud regardless of his powers. The virtues he lived are what humanity needs now.