Unpacking The Role Of The Enabling Father With A Narcissistic Mother

Season 2, Episode 41,   Jan 24, 10:44 AM

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I'm finally getting a window of electricity to upload this episode!! Thank you for your patience!!
Do you ever ask yourself why your father never stopped what was happening between you and your mother?
Or why did he stay with a woman like your mother?
Or maybe why he left you with her??
Did he ever dismissed or minimised what you tried to tell him about how your mother hurt you?
Or maybe he listened and acknowledge it, but in the end didn’t do a thing…
Or perhaps you never met your father...

Being daughters  of narcissistic  mothers we carry mother wounds, of course, but what about father wounds?? It is an aspect that we often tend to overlook or maybe we feel guilty about going down that rabbit hole... And yet a lot of healing happens when we look into it more closely.

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With Love!