4 Steps To Reclaim Your Identity When Your Mother Is A Narcissist

Season 2, Episode 39,   Jan 09, 07:49 AM

Episode image
Do you feel confused about who you are?
Do you feel so emmeshed with your mother that you don't know where to start separating what is you and what isn't?
Do you find it hard to set boundaries?

Growing up with a narcissistic mother has stifled the natural development of your own identity, which has led you to live a life where you are not truly yourself, and when you don't know who you are it's a lot harder to set boundaries and be independent from your mother.

In this episode you get to gain some clarity as to how your mother might have stifled the development of your own identity and 4 steps to reclaim it and to truly get to know yourself!
And from this new-found space of authenticity you can access the freedom, joy and the fullness of life that is there for you!

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With Love!