Mark Ireland - Afterlife Communication: The Persistence of the Soul

Jan 06, 04:20 AM

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"Everything you see is but a small slice of reality. Your senses can’t perceive all that is, or all that will ever be." - Lyrics: What You Can't See, by Mark Ireland

Mark Ireland's father, Richard Ireland, was a renowned psychic and medium. Videos Mark includes of his father's psychic demonstrations are amazing. Website.

Mark pursued mainstream success until the death of his youngest son, Brandon. He shares the story in his first book, Soul Shift. Link. It was also the catalyst that inspired formation of Helping Parents Heal, a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting bereaved parents.   

In his most recent book, The Persistence of the Soul, he provides compelling evidence for afterlife messages backed by scientific research. Sample Chapter: Link.

  • Presents detailed accounts of experiments conducted to obtain evidence for the survival of consciousness after death, including the author’s own test involving a secret message left behind by his late sister.

  • Explores the healing impact that afterlife communications can have on people who are grieving.
*Amazon [Aff link] Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars. This book is a must read for parents who have lost their children. "This book has proven to be a great help to me. My son passed in 2021. Mark’s book gives first hand accounts of how psychics and psychic phenomenon has helped grieving parents. I appreciate the scientific basis and I appreciate the personal stories, including Mark’s. This book was one of the most helpful that I’ve read so far. Thank you, Mark."

Mark's Music - "In December 2022, I recorded a track called, “What You Can’t See,” which I felt was spiritually inspired by Brandon. This song was released under the band name The Mark Ireland Experiment and can be heard on all music streaming platforms."

Mark allowed me to share an edited sample of the song he and his son Brandon collaborated on in this interview segment. Listen to the entire song and the rest of the album, Paradigm Shift, by The Mark Ireland Experiment: Link.

What You Can’t See - 
Lyrics: Mark Ireland. Inspired by Brandon 

So you just believe in the things you can touch and see
Purpose and meaning, you say, are just legends from long lost days

No deeper call to make life sane or mysteries left unexplained
Just bide your time here, embrace the pain

Please set aside the cynic mind and you may catch a glimpse of something quite divine
Just close your eyes so you might see signs of a deeper truth that lies beneath
Mind was first and dreamed this world, not the other way around like you thought

Everything you see is but a small slice of reality
Your senses can’t perceive all that is, or all that will ever be

You’re part of this mind, connected to the source
When you look out, the world takes form
You’ll come to see that nothing’s ever lost

Please set aside the cynic mind and you may catch a glimpse of something quite divine
Just close your eyes so you might see signs of a deeper truth that lies beneath
Mind was first and dreamed this world, not the other way around like you thought

Listen now my friend, when you leave this world it’s not the end
Consciousness, you see is not an effect—it’s primary
This world’s façade can fool us all, senses filter out the grander view
But for love, but for love, this life is but a dream

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