Forgiving Yourself for the Things You Did And Wish You Would Have Done Differently

Jan 10, 09:00 AM

A proper relationship with yourself starts with a proper relationship with God. If you are always judging yourself by your performance, you will have a horrible relationship with yourself and live under guilt and condemnation. 

The release of our condemnation doesn’t hinge on our ability to forgive ourselves; our freedom from the strongholds we carry comes through Jesus. We aren’t striving to be set free, we are renewing our minds to stay free.

We can’t forgive ourselves, but we can show compassion, patience, kindness, and gentleness toward ourselves in the healing process through the choices we make. In this episode, I explain two different types of forgiveness in scripture and walk through the differences between decisional and emotional forgiveness. 

Rooting for you, 

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