Meet The South Asian Visually Impaired Group
Season 2, Episode 270, Dec 14, 2023, 02:07 PM
Today, we hear about the South Asian VI (SAVI) Group.
Our Paulina spoke with two members of the group, Abu-bakr Ishtiaq and Furahan Patel, to find out why they joined the group and why it's important to find a community of people that understand you.
To find out more call the RNIB Helpline on 0303 123 9999 or email
Image shows RNIB Connect Radio green logo. Upon a green background and written in 3 rows: RNIB, Connect Radio, 20th Anniversary. Connect Radio is underline with a bold white line.
Our Paulina spoke with two members of the group, Abu-bakr Ishtiaq and Furahan Patel, to find out why they joined the group and why it's important to find a community of people that understand you.
To find out more call the RNIB Helpline on 0303 123 9999 or email
Image shows RNIB Connect Radio green logo. Upon a green background and written in 3 rows: RNIB, Connect Radio, 20th Anniversary. Connect Radio is underline with a bold white line.