Island Anthems with: We’ar Shining the Light

Episode 29,   Dec 08, 2023, 09:14 AM

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Our older people’s led news project has inspired another group to form in Sunderland, with the help of Sunderland City Council and Sunderland Ageing Well Ambassadors.

The We’ar Shining the Light news team, made up of people aged 50 plus, captures stories that break ageing stereotypes and gather positive stories of later life.

In this podcast, reporters share their 'Island Anthems' - the top three songs, book and luxury item they would take to a desert island.

What would you take? Tune in now.

Our older people’s led news project has inspired another group to form in Sunderland, with the help of Sunderland City Council and Sunderland Ageing Well Ambassadors.

The We’ar Shining the Light news team, made up of people aged 50 plus, captures stories that break ageing stereotypes and gather positive stories of later life.

In this podcast, reporters share their 'Island Anthems' - the top three songs, book and luxury item they would take to a desert island.

What would you take? Tune in now.