Love machine

Dec 06, 2023, 04:28 PM

Episode image
"Street sounds from the city of dreams evoking memories of romantic fantasy and escapism in the world of cinema. 

"Inspired by the field recording of Rome traffic (I have used the entire 4 min sample, thus defining the length of my contribution).

"When listening to street sounds, in any city, any country, I try to hear the history of the echoing voices, footsteps and tires rushing by. Being fed with and always attentive to the ambience, I easily knit a movie in those sounds. If not a new script, most certainly something I have heard in a cinema somewhere, sometime. Reality and popular culture mesh. Natural and constructed sounds. The soundtracks of my life.

"I sourced four major popular culture film genres and used two field recordings. 
Movie samples from 80’s Italian Giallo, 60’s British James Bond, American melodrama from the 70’s and road racing Swedish youth in the 50’s. This mixed in with field recordings of a classic roman tiled road and reverberating voices in a very large oil cistern in northern Sweden. All roads lead to Rome, yes?

"Field recording: Italy Rome traffic zooming past
Movie sample: “On Her Majesty’s Service” 1969
Movie score sample: “Tenebre” 1982
Movie sample: “Raggare” 1959
Field recording: Svanö Cistern, Sweden 2018 
62.898612317065925, 17.882985593945975
Movie sample: “The Love Machine” 1971"

Roman road noise reimagined by Eva Q Månsson.