CE: Ophytrium® in Dermatology: When, where and whys of using Douxo® S3 topical therapies

Episode 228,   Dec 15, 2023, 04:55 PM

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Program Description:
During this podcast, we will discuss the innovative new science behind the Douxo® S3 line by Ceva specifically focused the new to veterinary medicine active ingredient, Ophytrium®. We will discuss the basics of cutaneous structure aka the epidermal barrier function as well as the cutaneous immune system and response and finally the cutaneous microbiome. These 3 different systems all play a role in many different dermatologic diseases which plague our veterinary patients.

 Learning Objectives:
  • Better understanding of the 3 skin barriers:  epidermal barrier, immunological barrier, and microbiological barrier
  • Understand how all three of these barriers are disrupted in allergic disease leading to itching  
  • Know how Ophytrium® works to repair these barriers 
Program Agenda:
  • Introduction of Ophytrium® – how and why it was chosen as the active ingredient in the innovative S3 skin care line. 
  • Review of cutaneous structure and the epidermal barrier with focus on how this structure is involved in the development and progression of allergic skin disease 
  • Review cutaneous immune system and response with focus on the atypical immune system response which occurs in allergic skin disease
  • Discuss the current understanding of the cutaneous microbiome and how/why dysbiosis occurs
  • Review how topical Ophytrium® interacts with each of these 3 different aspects of the skin