TONIGHT: The show begins with Peter Frankopan in a sweeping history of cities and empires adapting to or falling to unexpected natural events such as volcanos, El Nino, floods, storms, and especially drought. Then a conversattion with Robert Zubrin re t

Nov 25, 2023, 03:35 AM

TONIGHT: The show begins with Peter Frankopan in a sweeping history of cities and empires  adapting to or falling to unexpected natural events such as volcanos, El Nino, floods, storms, and especially drought.  Then a conversattion with Robert Zubrin re the unexplored value nuclear energy to augment the wind and solar renewables -- along with the inexhaustible natural gas.  And a conversation with David Davenport re the changing understandings of equality of opportunity in America.  Much attention also to Richard Epstein's 2021 analysis of the filibuster in American political history.  And a rich observation by Professor Dan Flores of the wildlife of North America that the European settlers damaged with excessive gunfire and habitat destruction.

1847 Victor Gifford Audobon