TONIGHT: The show begins with Peter Frankopan in a sweeping history of cities and empires adapting to or falling to unexpected natural events such as volcanos, El Nino, floods, storms, and especially drought. Then a conversattion with Robert Zubrin re t
Nov 25, 2023, 03:35 AM
TONIGHT: The show begins with Peter Frankopan in a sweeping history of cities and empires adapting to or falling to unexpected natural events such as volcanos, El Nino, floods, storms, and especially drought. Then a conversattion with Robert Zubrin re the unexplored value nuclear energy to augment the wind and solar renewables -- along with the inexhaustible natural gas. And a conversation with David Davenport re the changing understandings of equality of opportunity in America. Much attention also to Richard Epstein's 2021 analysis of the filibuster in American political history. And a rich observation by Professor Dan Flores of the wildlife of North America that the European settlers damaged with excessive gunfire and habitat destruction.
1847 Victor Gifford Audobon
1847 Victor Gifford Audobon