3 Simple Ways to Turn to God when Stress Is at a All Time High

Nov 29, 2023, 09:00 AM

Episode image
Are you stressed right now?

It’s easy for us to feel all the expectations from other people and, if we are honest with ourselves, the expectations we place on others to meet our needs this time of the year. However, the most important thing I have learned about stress is that it comes down to perception. What story do I tell myself every year around this time? 

Do I look at everything I have to do as a chore or as something I get to do? 
Do I look at this time of the year as a place of discontentment?

It’s okay where you land at this time of the year. It’s hard in general, and then you add in family trauma and history with unhealthy people, and it seems like too much. But what if we could also find a more simple rhythm in our day even when stress feels high? What if we could find a way to keep our nervous system from being overloaded or heightened day in and day out? 

In this episode, I share practical techniques you can use to help you ground yourself with the help of God and practice silence and solitude in the times you need it most.
Rooting for you,

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Learn how to deal with your emotions in a biblical way.
Get my 3-day study here!

Taking the First Step
Do you have a hard time accepting God’s love and believing He is good to you and not just good to others?
Do you have a hard time forgiving those who hurt you?
Do you wrestle with anxiety, racing thoughts, burnout, and feeling like you are at the end of your rope?
Do you find yourself being in pain and stuck in the past?
Do you constantly question whether it’s God’s voice, the enemy, or your voice?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, it’s time to join me in my Spiritual Growth Mentorship.

Five weeks of your first necessary steps to invite God’s presence into your pain!

It’s the mentorship you need with the accountability you didn’t know you needed.

Learn how God’s love can transform you from hurting to hopeful.
Learn more at >> https://www.jessicahottle.com/heal

Email me at >> jessica@jessicahottle.com