Nov 15, 2023, 05:00 PM

Episode image
There’s been a whole lot of talk about aliens lately. Some of it potentially historic, some of it hilarious. This episode we take a deep dive into the film adaptation of Whitley Streiber’s best-selling book based upon his own alleged experiences with extraterrestrials, 1989’s COMMUNION 👽 

Grey aliens, sleep paralysis, abduction, bad late 80’s fashion, alien dance parties, little blue people, doppelgängers, anal probes, and a lead performance from Christopher Walken at peak absurdity make this a strong contender for one of the strangest Hollywood productions ever made.

“It’s a puzzle box. And you're not going to get to see what's inside. Let's just get that clear. I am you. And you are me. And we are here. I am the dreamer and you are the dream.“ It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 396!  

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