QROT-110: In the Non-Captured World, Evidence of Fraud IS Shocking, Instead of Worthy of Derision.

Nov 08, 2023, 01:25 PM

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Another way, outside of just saying "Oh no, not TODAY" to tell if you're being gaslit, is to compare to a simple similar event. 

If a judge in Connecticut, in a primary says that video of ballot stuffing is "shocking" and enough for the ruling to be that the election must be invalidated and a new election must occur.. that's because.. It IS. And you knew that because you have a brain that you've decided to use for analysis that an honest four-year-old could complete with flying colors.

So... compare and contrast. If in other places the same shocking evidence is to be ignored... COULD it BE... that in that case, those committing fraud at the HIGHER level, with ramifications to the entire world, merely have a better propaganda arm with more influence on the media and with more ability to threaten and with more money to bribe?


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