117 | Coded Lucid Dreaming: Initiation To The Golden City of Atlantis

Nov 02, 2023, 01:59 PM

Episode image
In this transmission, I share a story about an incredibly beautiful, powerful and highly coded conscious dream about The Golden City of Atlantis. 

Over the last few years, I have mastered the art of conscious (or lucid) dreaming. When I dream I am conscious of the fact I am dreaming and so I can act willingly and choose to make specific decisions. I am also able to observe myself in the dream acting a certain way.

I can then see how the way I act affects the outcome of the dream. This is a powerful practice which makes dreamtime an incredible adventure full of downloads, codes, lessons and experiences.

Continue watching to discover the magical conscious dream and 8 powerful lessons and keys of ascension that were coded in it. I also share tips on how you can start conscious dreaming yourself!

I am sharing this with you to demonstrate how powerful it is to be able to access the ability to channel your multidimensional network on a conscious level during dream states. 

This episode covers:
* What is conscious dreaming
* Chapter 1: Travelling to the Golden City of Atlantis
* Dreamtime lesson 1: To reach heaven on earth, you must be fully present in the now
* Dreamtime lesson 2: All of you is welcome on the ascension journey
* Dreamtime lesson 3: We don’t need to know everything to access the higher realms, we just have to follow our gut
* Chapter 2: Going on a journey to find the Golden City with my dog and my golden phoenix inner child
* Dreamtime lesson 4: We are never alone
* Dreamtime lesson 5: We will lose ourselves when we feel shame
* Chapter 3: Finding the hidden Golden City of Atlantis
* Dreamtime lesson 6: Never follow others, always follow your inner guidance
* Dreamtime lesson 7: You need to be a revolutionary & a rebel to get things done
 Chapter 4: Receiving from the Egyptian Goddess, Bastet
* Dreamtime lesson 8: We always receive the assistance we need in our darkest times (and all our lives)
* Chapter 5: The initiation into the Golden City
* Tips on how to conscious dream
* Dragon Warrior Codex
* Eeria School of Channeling

Dragon Warrior Codex - 2 day event - 29 & 30 November: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/dragonwarriorevent
Eeria School of Channeling: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/eeria
The Courage to Lead: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/steppingintoleadershipmasterclass

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