Episode 61: UAW Win; Michigan Dems Strengthen Abortion Rights; Arab Americans Leaving Biden

Episode 74,   Nov 02, 2023, 01:46 PM

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Welcome to Episode 61 of Michigan's Premier Progressive Politics!

This week, I breakdown how the right wing Republican Party has always worked on behalf of the elite class to eliminate government assistance for working Americans. They've done it by whittling-down the New Deal and Great Society programs through the years, and they've done it using racist tropes, like the mythic "welfare queen." 

But now, working Americans are fighting back thanks to the UAW's victory against the Big Three Detroit Automakers. We're also noticing positive results as other non-union carmakers are beginning to raise wages for their workers as they try to stave-off unionization attempts. Meanwhile, right wing Republicans were nowhere to be found during the UAW's strike, but they are trying to gut IRS funding to help their tax cheating, rich donor base!

I also cover how Democrats are trying to strengthen abortion rights in Michigan, and how right wing Christian Fundamentalists continue using the non-medical term known as "partial birth abortion," which does not exist.

Finally, I cover the disturbing news on how President Biden's support from the Arab American community is dropping due to his unwavering support for Israel, and what that could mean in Michigan in 2024. 

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