TSOT078: Punching People for "Likes". Yet another case study in "WHAT is WRONG with us??"

Oct 30, 2023, 05:07 AM

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A Texas teen "really didn’t expect for it to go so left, you know. I know from the video all you see is the bad part about it." 
Yes that's right. After all, he said it didn't show where some people shook his hand afterward. 
Yeah... they were happy to be a part of your unexpected, sucker punch beatdown. Sure, kid. Or they were trying to be "good sports" so they didn't get punched again. 

And we cover another interesting phenomenon where bad behavior is unnecessarily put in better light through acts of omission. And how we are not having national conversations we should be having.  

NONE of this is in any way in the spirit of MLK. Instead we are protecting people from bad publicity BASED on skin color. Because our "news" is, as I've said before, much more about news PROGRAMMING, than it is about us having facts and discussions we can and should all be able to participate on. If we did, we might find unity as humans. But they don't want that and they don't believe in that. What they believe in is to specifically judge a story before hand BASED on race. 

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