HOT STOCKS: Paul & Justin discuss when the smallcap rally might start
Episode 1672, Oct 18, 2023, 10:20 AM
Hot Stocks - Wednesday 18th October 9:30am
00:00 The outlook for equities & when the smallcap rally might start. 07:50 Why investors should beware the banks 13:35 Supreme PLC #SUP 20:15 Silverbullet #SBDS 30:05 RWS Group #RWS 36:00 WATER INTELLIGENCE PLC #WATR 39:35 Saietta Electric Drive #SED 40:50 AssetCo plc #ASTO 47:05 Avingtrans #AVG 49:15 Inspiration Healthcare #IHC 50:30 Pfizer 52:25 Destiny Pharma plc #DEST 54:45 Good Energy #GOOD 57:15 Oncimmune #ONC 59:35 ActiveOps #AOM
00:00 The outlook for equities & when the smallcap rally might start. 07:50 Why investors should beware the banks 13:35 Supreme PLC #SUP 20:15 Silverbullet #SBDS 30:05 RWS Group #RWS 36:00 WATER INTELLIGENCE PLC #WATR 39:35 Saietta Electric Drive #SED 40:50 AssetCo plc #ASTO 47:05 Avingtrans #AVG 49:15 Inspiration Healthcare #IHC 50:30 Pfizer 52:25 Destiny Pharma plc #DEST 54:45 Good Energy #GOOD 57:15 Oncimmune #ONC 59:35 ActiveOps #AOM