SPECIAL: How To Think Deeper About Hamas And Israel with Shayna's Reflection

Season 6, Episode 604,   Oct 12, 2023, 08:51 AM

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Shayna's Reflection:

I am an American, gender-queer, Jew and I am…

 …terrified right now for innocent civilians in both Israel and Palestine, and for Jews everywhere as anti-semites around the world view the Hamas slaughter as permission to hit the gas pedal on their own hatred.

 I am…

 …pissed as hell at Hamas for unleashing what promises to be a disproportionate response by Israel, and pissed even further into hell by the Israeli governments inability to resist being goaded into that response.

 I am…

 …breathless with fear as I await the outcome for hostages taken by Hamas - women, children, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and breathless with fear for the lives of Palestinian women, children, persons with disabilities and the elderly.

 I am…

 …watching in despair as Western media attempts to report on this disaster, all the while seemingly blind to the prism through which they view “facts on the ground.'

 I am…

 …sensitive to those who feel called to stand in solidarity with Israel in light of the Hamas massacre AND sensitive to those who stand with the Palestinian people, recognizing the consequences decades of occupation have inflicted.

  I am…

 …incredibly grateful for the one friend who reached out to me to see how I’m holding up in the midst of this human disaster, recognizing, without having to be told, how deeply distressing these events are for those of us who carry the identity “Jewish”or “Palestinian, or maybe simply “human.”

 I am…

 …praying for the peacemakers, for I was lead to believe they would be recognized as “the children of G-d,” even as I find myself wondering how much clout G-d has in a conflict too many have blamed on Them.

 I am…

 …awaiting the reign of the meek, who Jesus said would inherit the earth.  Where the hell are you guys?

 I am…

 …terrified, pissed, breathless with fear, watching in despair, sensitive, incredibly grateful, praying, awaiting.

 How are you all holding up?