2.6 | ESP and Animal Telepathy

Mar 02, 2020, 08:22 AM

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Have you ever heard your dog's voice in your head, or known an old friend who you haven't heard from in years was about to call? Is there any 'scientific' reality to the phenomena we call ESP and Telepathy?

In this episode, the brothers tune their minds to the silent frequencies in the ether, and explore the stories of extra-sensory communications with animals.

Also.. Elephant mourning rituals, Creepy Cat People, and Jon psychically bonds with his dog!

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06:41 | Topic Introduction
12:05 | Elephant Wake for Elephant Whisperer (Lawrence Anthony)
20:54 | Rupert Sheldrake and Morphic Fields
27:47 | The Sense of Being Stared At
32:41 | CCTV Experiment “The Sense of Being Stared At”
34:38 | Spooky Action at a Distance
35:29 | Chris and Jeremy Paranormal Twin Stories
41:32 | Dogs Who Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home
53:20 | Pets' Extraordinary Journeys through Telepathy
1:01:41 | After Death Respects and Animal Rescue (Uri Geller)
1:10:51 | Patreon Stinger - Greg
1:17:43 | Disaster Premonitions
1:26:11 | Cat People
1:31:20 | Patreon Stinger - Reina
1:31:52 | Patreon Names, Thank You All!