TONIGHT: The show begins in Crimea with the retreat of the Black Sea Fleet to escape the Ukraine drones. From the Moscow Liberalism of the 1990s to the surveillence state of 2023. Fom the global slowdown under heavy rate hikes to the Colombia-Panama bord
Oct 06, 2023, 01:31 AM
TONIGHT: The show begins in Crimea with the retreat of the Black Sea Fleet to escape the Ukraine drones. From the Moscow Liberalism of the 1990s to the surveillence state of 2023. Fom the global slowdown under heavy rate hikes to the Colombia-Panama border and the surge of migrants. From the folly that is UNESCO to the walls of Jericho. From SoCal beaches where great white shark juvenilles swimming within 50 yards of unknowing surfers.. From the isolationists of DC to the climate protests of Berne. Later attention to elections in Manitoba, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador and Bolivia.
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1924 1924 in manitoba
beaches of manitoba
crowds in manitoba
grand beach provincial park