The Effects Of Maternal Narcissism Through Generations & How To Break The Cycle With Debra Kilby

Season 2, Episode 21,   Sep 28, 2023, 07:06 AM

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Have you heard the say "It didn't start with you"?
So when did it all start??
In this special episode with Debra you get to gain clarity on how far in the past the patterns started,
on how to break the cycle of family trauma and wounding, 
and what is necessary when you decide to give birth to a child or a project that is close to your heart.
You will also gain some wonderful insights on how to reconnect with the sweet, nourishing mother energy that is indeed inside of you.

So let's dive in!

Our gust Debra Kilby is an intuitive energy healer,  channel,  spirit baby medium,  soul plan reader and spiritual guide. 
She is the author of "Rosa’s Choice: Healing the Wounds of the Mother". A Journey into the world of the Spirit Baby and how we can build a New Earth, together. 

Debra supports women on their journey to motherhood, whether they are struggling to conceive, have experienced baby loss or a traumatic birth.  

She also supports women who are not in conception, to heal their own mother wounds, understand themselves on a deeper level,  birth more of themselves  and their own truth by opening up their natural intuitive gifts.

To get in contact with Debra you can visit her website:

You can also find her on:




Here is the link to access the FREE Self Love Practice I mentioned in the episode:

For any questions and to work with Matilde email at:

And if you want to have fun and travel back in time to the first time myself and Debar got together to create an amazing conversation you can have a look at our episode from 4 years ago

With love!