AN 6.43 - 6.48 With Dhammika Part 1

Sep 26, 2023, 09:30 AM

AN 6.43 When going for a bath, the Buddha encounters a giant royal elephant. But a spiritual giant is even more impressive.
AN 6.44 In response to criticism, the Buddha explains that it is difficult to compare the spiritual development of different individuals, so we should not be judgmental.
AN 6.45 Poor people suffer when they get in debt. Spiritual practitioners who are devoid of good qualities suffer in a similar way.
AN 6.46 In a discourse evidently set some time after the Buddha’s passing, Venerable Mahācunda urges different groups of meditators, whether they emphasize serenity or insight, to respect and support each other.
AN 6.47 The Buddha explains to the wanderer Moliyasīvaka how the teaching may be realized in the present life.
AN 6.48 The Buddha explains a brahmin how the teaching may be realized in the present life.