Knightriders (1981)

Sep 25, 2023, 01:29 AM

Episode image

When Cody and Immortan Hoof ask Dave and Ryan to join their motorcycle jousting league, Dave decides to screen George Romero's "Knightriders" to figure out exactly what they're getting into.

Behold! His excellence, Immortan Hoof, has graced our pitiful video store with his presence. And he comes bearing gifts; specifically, George A. Romero’s criminally underseen 1981 motorcycle jousting film, Knightriders.

I am your humble video store manager, Dave, and joining me as we embark on a journey through anachronistic Ren-Faires and crazed motorcycle gangs are my fellow knights Ryan, Cody, and special guest: His Excellency, Immortan Hoof (aka: Nick).

Topics of discussion in ye episode include the Mad Max level stunt work on display; we all bask in the awesomeness that is Tom Savini’s chiseled abs; and finally, we all pick which member of King William’s merry band of knights we would want to be (Spoiler: We all want to be Tuck).

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And thus concludes this episode of the podcast. Go forth brave knights and beware the wrath of your local small town Sheriff.