How to Write and Embrace Your Shitty First Draft

Season 2, Episode 23,   Sep 24, 2023, 11:39 PM

Writing the first draft of your business book is often an overwhelming thought. How should you do it? What if it sucks? How can you keep going when it all feels rather shitty?

Yes, yes. All of those feelings - and more. 

Well, this episode is here to stop all that and to give you the confidence you need to tackle your first draft like a pro.  

In it, you’ll discover:

  • What famous authors have done to get past their first draft woes - including Terry Pratchett, Anne Lamott and Greg McKeown - and how we can learn from them.
  • What you should do before you even write a word of your first draft to make the process far more enjoyable - and get the bloody thing written!
  • The one thing I would tattoo on every author’s forehead if I could - it’s something all my clients say has helped them stop procrastinating and sped up their writing.
  • Where I think research fits into the process and why I never read anything I’ve written until the very end of my first draft.

And so much more!

By the end of the episode, you’ll have some tools to use to build some writing consistency and get that first draft written - and your business book one step closer to publication. 

I hope you enjoy listening!

Further resources:

  • You can listen to more about writing your first draft by reading this blog post here.

  • Books mentioned in this episode:

  • If you enjoyed today’s episode, please leave a review on your favourite podcast platform:
  • Subscribe to my fortnightly newsletter - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

Steph’s books:

  • Dare to Write: How to Write a Non-Fiction Book to Grow Your Business - Amazon

Connect with Steph:





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