How to Find Closure from the Pain of Your Past and Move On with God

Sep 27, 2023, 08:00 AM

Episode image
Relationships are hard and can sometimes end with us wondering where and why things fell apart. Whether it's something from the past or something happening now, we all want answers. We want to know the reason things happen, especially when they hurt. 

The hardest part is not knowing. It's like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Without clear answers, your mind races, thinking of all the things you might have done wrong or what could have happened. This can make you doubt yourself a lot and make it hard to trust others in the future. So, what can we do when we don't get the closure we need?

In this episode, I walk you through some foundational steps toward closure. When you're hurt, remember that you don't need someone else to find peace. We may not get the answers we desire, but with God's help, we don't have to stay stuck in our pain, we can find closure and move forward.

Rooting for you,

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Taking the First Step
Do you have a hard time accepting God’s love and believing He is good to you and not just good to others?
Do you have a hard time forgiving those who hurt you?
Do you wrestle with anxiety, racing thoughts, burnout, and feeling like you are at the end of your rope?
Do you find yourself being in pain and stuck in the past?
Do you constantly question whether it’s God’s voice, the enemy, or your voice?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, it’s time to join me in my Spiritual Growth Mentorship.

Five weeks of your first necessary steps to invite God’s presence into your pain!

It’s the mentorship you need with the accountability you didn’t know you needed.

Learn how God’s love can transform you from hurting to hopeful.
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