News With My Fiancé - Thursday, September 21st, 2023

Season 3, Episode 23,   Sep 21, 2023, 07:43 PM

Episode image

Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer

Host Check In

  • Chuck Lovell is resigning

  • (00:25:25) Imagine a world where an algorithm is being used to calculate your rent increase… Imagine no longer!
  • (00:47:00) If Andrew Tate is defending you from sexual assault allegations, it’s time for self-reflection. 

Playlist: List the songs played on today’s show

  • Sean Paul- Like Glue
  • Chester French- She Loves Everybody 
  • Santigold - L.E.S. Artistes

  1. (00:06:00) You definitely improve our Thursdays. And help us remember to put out our garbage. Two invaluable services 😂
  2. (00:15:46) Too little too late... and concerned about who's gonna come up to take his place.
  3. (00:36:56) I have experience trying to get my 6 roommates to pay rent on time so I can relate to landlords and their hardships and hope I too will one day be able to make money off of exploiting people
  4. (00:42:16) 6 roommates for like 7 years. Plus the steady dude on the couch for extended periods
  5. (00:44:42)  The bass lines you're delivering this AM are almost enough to make me not want to still be sleeping 😆
  6. (00:44:55) And we need real solutions to housing crisis. So few people can afford their own house. It's time for new community living models so we can pool resources and stop relying on these property vultures
  7. (01:17:28) You need a man to protect you from a man. Is kinda like you need a good Guy with a gun to protect from guns... Good morning, sorry I am late. Jon
  8. I'm going to do some research and get back to you…
  9. Preach, never too far
Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free