John Mackenzie chats with Shane Knuth, KAP State Member for Hill, about a $30 million wildlife bridge ignored by a cassowary that instead crossed the road beside it.

Sep 15, 2023, 02:47 AM

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John Mackenzie chats with Shane Knuth, KAP State Member for Hill, about a $30 million wildlife bridge ignored by a cassowary that instead crossed the road beside it.

The bird somehow made its way around the barrier designed to direct it toward the safe crossing built by the government. Some are asking if cassowaries were consulted before construction began, to see if they would use the bridge.

What began in 2019 as a $9.8 million safe crossing for wildlife at Smith's Gap, has now become an example of bureaucracy gone wrong as the budget has more than tripled, has faced lengthy delays, and evidently isn't being used by cassowaries as intended.

Cassowary advocacy groups collaborated with governmental agencies to develop the unsuccessful initiative.