Nightmare (behind the yellow line)

Sep 05, 2023, 07:54 PM

"'Nightmare (behind the yellow line)' is the story of someone waiting at a train station for a lover who will never arrive. I interpreted the theme "music for sleep" by playing with the presence of nightmares. The original sound has been slightly modified to accentuate the haunting ambiance and melancholic tones of the composition, used to set a sombre mood that ideally, resonates with the listener's subconscious mind during sleep.

The anticipation and yearning conveyed through the narrative become intertwined with the unsettling nature of a recurring nightmare, the fear that the loved person will never arrive. The minimalistic soundscape evokes the depths of one's subconscious fears and inner anxieties, amidst the haunting landscape of dreams."

Distant Canadian train reimagined by Cristina Marras.

Part of the Music for Sleep project - for more information and to hear more sounds from the collection, visit