How to Walk Through the Silent Battles No One Knows About Except God

Sep 13, 2023, 08:00 AM

Episode image
Are you going through something that no one knows about? Maybe you are carrying a secret weighing heavy on your heart, but the fear of facing this secret feels too much to bear.

I may not know the battle you face or the secret you are carrying, but God knows about them all. He holds together that which He created and loves. Right now, He is holding you together because you are that which He loves.
This battle should not be one you try to fight alone. The only power to defeat the heaviness you feel is the power of the Holy Spirit. Today as you stand and fight, fight with your whole body. Plant your feet, speak words that are true, and know God is with you in this battle. 

Rooting for you,

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Taking the First Step
Do you have a hard time accepting God’s love and believing He is good to you and not just good to others?
Do you have a hard time forgiving those who hurt you?
Do you wrestle with anxiety, racing thoughts, burnout, and feeling like you are at the end of your rope?
Do you find yourself being in pain and stuck in the past?
Do you constantly question whether it’s God’s voice, the enemy, or your voice?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, it’s time to join me in my Spiritual Growth Mentorship.
Five weeks of your first necessary steps to invite God’s presence into your pain!

It’s the mentorship you need with the accountability you didn’t know you needed.
Learn how God’s love can transform you from hurting to hopeful.
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