Episode 185: The Universe is Obscuruses

Sep 03, 2023, 02:00 PM

Episode image
  • Welcome to our special guest, Dag!
  • Ambition + intelligence = world-conquering 
  • Thanks to this week's Patreon supporter, Roger B.!
  • Phoenix Register: Leaky was great and we made so many cool friends!
  • Happy Back to Hogwarts Day! (Did Warner Brothers announce anything cool?)
  • MinaLima opened a store in Seoul! If you're there, check it out and tell us how cool it is.
  • Owl Post: MissElphabaKayenta and Carolyn write in with their unanswered questions about the Beasts movies.
  • Main Discussion: Obscurials, and obscuruses vs patronuses!
  • Patronuses = yoga girlies
  • Is casting a Patronus really THAT hard?
  • "We all know guilt is one of Dumbledore's many middle names."
  • It seems Patronuses are born from happiness and Obscuruses are born from rage. 
  • "Umbridge can cast a Patronus, which is freaking stupid - "
  • This theory makes us want the ending of Credence's story EVEN MORE
  • Newtcase: The cat sith!
  • Sources: Timberbush Tours, Biddy's - Ireland's Lore and Tales, and Katethulu's Cave of Mysteries 
  • If you liked Dag and want more content, find them on Gmail, Instagram, Tumblr, or YouTube at @wrockingwriter!

Podcast Question: Do you think Credence could be saved? If so, how? Also, what is your Patronus?