Creator Content Economy with Derral Eves and Digital Ownership with Seth Taylor

Episode 256,   Aug 26, 2023, 04:00 PM

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Derral Eves is the Executive Producer and Co-Founder of "The Chosen" TV series, which was crowd-funded. He is a passionate entrepreneur who builds an audience to support his projects. He believes creating a shareable brand with a clear vision, mission, and purpose is crucial for success. Derral started in agency work in 1999, helping businesses be found online. He then shifted to creating content on YouTube, which has garnered over 91 billion views.  He will also host the Vid Summit in October where content creators will learn the business side and help them leverage the opportunities in the content economy.   Derral's future focuses on localizing "The Chosen" and getting it out to the world.


We'd like to introduce Seth Taylor, the Chief Experience Officer of Angel Studios. When asked about the company's origins, Seth explains that the Harmond brothers began with a content filtering service but quickly expanded into producing new content. Angel Studios operates on a "pay it forward" system to finance its projects and allows viewers to purchase tickets for others to stream "The Chosen" show. Seth emphasizes that Angel Studios values comments and feedback to create fresh content that aligns with its mission to promote positive stories. The company engages its audience, supporters, and investors through a crowd-sourced strategy and asks two crucial questions: "Does this story spread positivity?" and "How much would you regret it if this movie never came to fruition?" In addition to "The Chosen," Angel Studios offers other programs and movies, including "Sound of Freedom," which was crowdsourced. Seth Taylor leads the product team in expanding the app's reach and handles marketing. The company has also designed digital collectibles for crowdfunding contributors, offering fans digital ownership of a specific scene's frame. Anyone can view the scene or frame by pausing on it.

  • [00:00:00] Crowd Funded
  • [00:05:37] YouTube
  • [00:12:29] The Chosen
  • [00:19:18] Pay It Forward
  • [00:28:03] The Gild
  • [00:36:07] Digital Collectible