Philip Hasheider, Six Minutes in Eternity - NDE in a dimension beyond words

Aug 25, 2023, 10:02 PM

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The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. - Lao Tzu

Philip Hasheider is a Writer and a Farmer living in Wisconsin. Without warning, he had a heart attack - *sudden cardiac arrest - and collapsed at the gym. It took the crew who came to his rescue six minutes to revive him. During that time, he had a near-death experience. NDE.

That six minute window gave Philip an opportunity to explore [remember] what happens when the physical form expires. He says it felt like going home. 

Six Minutes in Eternity: A Memoir
by Philip Hasheider, *Amazon.

Brief Amazon Summary: This book is an explanation of what Philip experienced during the time he was being revived, and an exploration of how the full awareness of his life has been opened for him with a new set of eyes. His interpretation of the experience here and in another dimension offers a pathway for others to follow this journey with him.

Curious about what happened while he was on the other side, he also interviewed everyone that helped revive him to better understand what they witnessed and how it might have affected them.

Family. Friends. Emergency workers. Care providers. Each and every one had a unique and valuable role, regardless of proximity or direct contact.   

Philip also shares how difficult it was to find words to express something that happened in a dimension where language and words don't exist.

Life changing. 

Philip's Facebook page: Link.
*Amazon Author page: Link.
Wendy's blog: Link.

Paul Selig: Website.
International Association for Near Death Studies. IANDS: Website.

*sudden cardiac arrest - Can you be revived from sudden cardiac death?

Sudden Cardiac Arrest claims one life every 90 seconds. The likelihood of surviving is related to the speed of efforts to revive the heart. But half of sudden cardiac arrest victims won't have someone nearby to help. Only about 10% of people survive. Oct 31, 2016

Translation: Miracle.

*Amazon affiliate link.