Episode #94 – Full Chariot

Aug 10, 2023, 07:55 PM

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Prophecy Radio episode #94 discusses Fury of the Dragon Goddess by Sarwat Chadda before catching you up on all the latest Rick Riordan news, including some fun news from several different Rick Riordan Presents authors. Oh, and we give you a quick update on the WGA/SAG strikes and how they’ll affect the podcast moving forward. This week, we pause our discussion of The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid in order to chat with Sarwat Chadda about his latest release. New episodes of Prophecy Radio air weekly, and we keep our discussions PG-13.

News and Updates (00:01:28)

Fury of the Dragon Goddess by Sarwat Chadda (00:11:16)

  • At long last, it’s time to talk about Fury of the Dragon Goddess, the second book in the Adventures of Sik Aziz series.
  • What is this book about?
  • How did we feel about this book compared to the last one?
  • What was it like reading about Sik and the others being in London instead of NYC?
  • There are a lot of themes shared between these two books, but there are also some specific to Dragon Goddess.
  • It’s so interesting that we’re reading this book at the same time we’re talking about The Red Pyramid!
  • Sik is still not a warrior, and we LOVE that about him.
  • We’re so happy he got to travel this time around…even if it all went horribly wrong.
  • Daoud is, like, super famous now.
  • We loved that this didn’t solve all his problems, and we still got to see him (and his relationship with Sik) grow over the course of the book.
  • Is Belet no longer looking for her mother?
  • What’s the deal with this tablet?
  • Did we like that this book dealt a lot with (female) rage?
  • Have you read “The Loneliest Demon” from Cursed Carnivals and Other Calamities?
  • Who is Rabisu and why is she so great?
  • Why does she want to kill Belet so badly, and why can’t she?
  • Everyone likes a pigeon sandwich…right?
  • Wait, Rabisu has been WHERE?
  • Who’s Dumuzi, and how did he get with Ishtar?
  • He might not be the greatest dad, but he seemed like a pretty good person.
  • Lugal, on the other hand, seems to be a lot more complicated.
  • And if you’re looking for another character to compare him to, maybe try…Ultron.
  • The spoiler section starts at 00:49:37.
  • Let’s talk about that black market party and how utterly racist those old ladies were.
  • What did we think of Daoud’s reaction to it all?
  • Did we believe Mo was really back when we first saw him again?
  • The repercussions of this mistake are huge, and Lugal just makes it worse.
  • And you thought Belet was full of rage before…
  • Sik’s changes happen slowly, but some of them are pretty cool.
  • Okay, we have to talk about the asylum scene.
  • What’s Lugal’s ultimate purpose?
  • During that final confrontation, Sik wins in his own way.
  • We thought we lost Mo all over again, but Sik wasn’t gonna let that happen.
  • How does this story end, and what could possibly be next?
Interview with Sarwat Chadda (01:19:05)

  • We’re so excited to talk about Fury of the Dragon Goddess with Sarwat Chadda!!
  • How does he get into (and stay in) the mood to write?
  • Any go-to snacks?
  • Sarwat gives us a great breakdown of what inspired this story.
  • How did he balance the horror in this book for his audience?
  • Which came first, this book or the short story with Rabisu?
  • Sarwat talks a little bit about having Fury of the Dragon Goddess take place in London.
  • And yes, he definitely remembers the Kane Chronicles!
  • He also gives us a fantastic answer regarding the topic of repatriation.
  • What did he want to accomplish with a character like Lugal?
  • Can rage ever be used as a force for good?
  • What makes Daoud so compelling?
  • It’s time to talk about those Percy Jackson references!
  • Who would Sarwat choose from Greek mythology to have as a godly parent?
  • Which Rick Riordan Presents book would he love to live inside?
  • Any book recommendations for us?
  • Has Sarwat thought about what comes next after Fury of the Dragon Goddess?
  • You’ll never guess how many more projects he has coming up!
  • Thank you for talking with us, Sarwat! It was a pleasure.
Feedback (02:25:58)

  • We hear from a couple listeners about their experience reading Fury of the Dragon Goddess.
Thanks for listening, and tune in next time for episode 95, in which we’ll discuss which Rick Riordan Presents characters would make for the best team-ups, before jumping into The Red Pyramid chapter 18!

This episode’s hosts are: Karen Rought and Kristen Kranz.

Each episode, our Prophecy Radio hosts and their guests will keep you up to date on the latest information coming out of Camp Half-Blood, including upcoming books and adaptation news, discuss a topic of choice, and do a chapter by chapter reread of the Percy Jackson series.

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