How Concerned Should We be About Urine Infections and Those TikTok Caster Oil Videos

Season 1, Episode 1524,   Aug 10, 2023, 03:33 PM

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For this week’s regular check in with Pharmacist Elizabeth Roddick from New Life Pharmacy in Glasgow we are talking about something we may all not want to mention, urine infections along with Elizabeth’s thoughts and reaction to those misleading TikTok videos going around claiming that rubbing caster oil around or into your eyes could help to cure eye issues and some eye conditions which is totally untrue as Doctors have been saying.

Elizabeth began by explaining to our Toby Davey about how common urine infections are, whether urine infections are more common in women, the symptoms we should be looking out for that might prompt medical advice, plus treatments for urine infections and what might be good to help prevent urine infections too.

Elizabeth ended by giving her reaction to those untrue and misleading TikTok videos going around claiming that rubbing caster oil into your eyes could help to cure some eye issues and even some eye conditions. 

There is more information about urine infections on the NHS website via the following link -

To get in touch with Elizabeth email  or for more information visit

Image: Picture showing Elizabeth standing in her pharmacy, dressed in her white pharmacist coat and a colourful bandana around her neck, she's smiling. Warmly at the camera with her hands slightly raised.