Wayne Saalman – Journey Across Forever: A Wild, Illuminating Ride into Magic, Metaphysics, Spiritual Liberation, the Paranormal & UFOs

Jul 27, 2023, 11:20 PM

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“In conclusion, there is no conclusion. Things will go on as they always have, getting weirder all the time.” Robert Anton Wilson

The Journey Across Forever, Amazon, is a non-fiction collection of essays detailing the author’s metaphysical insights and paranormal experiences over the decades as he travelled the world in a quest for truth and enlightenment. Traveling in circles that included many well-known 60's icons, the topics include precognition, karma, reincarnation, shamanism, psychotropics and the three forms of magic, among others.

The Foreword of the book is by acclaimed author, Colonel John B. Alexander, Ph.D. 

Endorsement - The Journey Across Forever is a phenomenal experience. It is a book that dares the reader to push past the veil and explore the realms of possibility. A must-read! - G L Davies, Author of Harvest: The True Story of Alien Abduction

Author Bio: Wayne Saalman is an American novelist, poet, painter, musician and songwriter. He has specialized in fictional thrillers with plots that center around advanced levels of technology and freestyle spirituality.

In this interview, we talk about an experience the author had in the Great Pyramid in Egypt that could have gone extremely bad but didn’t, quite possibly thanks to some amazing higher power. He offers details on one of his UFO sightings which might well have been carrying two friendly “humanoids”. He collected a rock in Australia - only to later discover that it was an Aboriginal power stone inhabited by a noncorporeal Dreamtime entity. And there is a hidden gem - an encounter with a woman who provided information indicating there is at least one loose thread that could add more weight to the JFK conspiracies.   

Dedicating the book to Robert Anton Wilson, Saalman credits Cosmic Trigger as life changing and was delighted to eventually connect with Wilson, who subsequently wrote Introductions to two of his own novels: The Dream Illuminati and The Illuminati of Immortality. Saalman says Wilson introduced him to the idea of taking a syncretistic approach to life and the idea of being what he calls an “agnostic mystic”. 

As Saalman explains, "a “syncretist” is a person who draws on all of the arts, sciences and spiritual traditions which exist right around the globe in order to put together what I think are credible answers to these mysteries."

He says, The Journey Across Forever, therefore, is a synthesis of the insights that make the most sense to me after decades of attempting to take all things into consideration, whether of a scientific, spiritual or metaphysical nature. Ultimately, I look at the whole as being greater than the sum of its parts and The Journey Across Forever offers a comprehensive review of the answers that seem to me to be the most feasible and enlightening.

Wayne Saalman. Website: https://waynesaalman.com/
Robert Anton Wilson. Website: http://rawilson.com/
John Hunt Books. Website: https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/o-books/our-books/journey-across-forever

Wendy’s Blog. Website: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
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