Do You Clinch and Grind your teeth, have tinnitus with Anxiety, Let's talk

Season 1, Episode 181,   Jul 25, 2023, 05:04 PM


Do You Clinch and Grind your teeth, have tinnitus with Anxiety, Let's talk about it! Many wake up with headaches, have sleeplessness, exhausted, tired, jaw hurts and the anxiety makes the body have irreparable symptoms that if not caught in time can have permanent damage. Let's learn to avoid it by learning what we can do now to take care of our health and wellness together.

Clinching and Grinding of your teeth can be a symptom of many conditions, most commonly anxiety. We will review today, how tinnitus and other symptoms can be cared for with your doctor and dentist.

Your Everyday Health Hacker is Liza Leal, M.D. and her patient, co-host Mike Herzing of "Let's Talk Wheels" a nationally syndicated program. Together we discuss topics from emails from around the world to help educate, inspire and be the resource for the latest medical dental topics. Write to us via email at info@everydayhealthhacker or call us at  281-265-6565 Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare (Dr. Duncan Foulds) powered by Meridian Health Institute in Sugar Land, Texas.

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