Increasing Wurkplace Wellbeing with Claire Burns

Season 2,   Jul 12, 2023, 05:44 AM

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What does wellbeing in the workplace mean to you? There’s a lot of talk about mental health, and mental wellbeing, yet when it comes to understanding the full breadth and depth of our wellness this nowhere near the full story. Are your people happy, healthy and comfortable?

In this episode Rachael & John are in conversation with Claire Burns Health and Wellbeing Consultant - Mental Health First Aid Instructor and Founder of Wurkplace Wellbeing; uncovering the range and scope of employee help, that better leaders should be seeking within their organisations. 

They uncover the four pillars of well-being and discover how each one can be affected by the other. Looking after your employees makes obvious sense, it should be the human thing to do; vital for the individual, their family and friends and the good of your organisation. Yet it is not so obvious to match peoples outward behaviour with their thinking, and understanding what’s most important to them.

Three Things for Leaders to be on the lookout for:-

  • People have different starting points - The critical importance of showing affirmation and validation of someones situation
  • Vulnerability to stress - Appreciating the different triggers, and our individual capacity that fill up our “stress tank"
  • Hidden behaviours  - Asking why perfectionism is a real problem alert?
Claire’s Leadership Essentials:

1. Curiosity
2. Empathy
3. Role Modelling 

The four pillars of wellbeing: social, financial, mental health, and physical health.

You can contact Claire on LinkedIn, and access her website here at