News With My Fiancé - Thursday, July 6th, 2023

Season 3, Episode 14,   Jul 06, 2023, 07:08 PM

Episode image
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer. 

(10:40) We called it! Mingus threw his mediocre hat in the Mayor ring. 


  • (26:36) NATIONAL

    • Affirmative Action 

      • Explanation of affirmative, action, and how it worked.

      • The framing that anything, Black is lesser than

      • How this ties right back to the whitelash to reconstruction.


  1. (08:27) Also yay! Good morning! Sorry about that weather report. Whew. Our cats are loving this hot life though, they look like they're at a resort.
  2. (22:47) Bad feelings. This is a horrible decision and it is painful to see how widely misunderstood it is. Thank you for covering this story, I've been waiting for your perspective!
  3. (23:33) The ruling is bad, also a lot of people don't realize it is limited to race based decisions in college admissions (so white women stay unaffected, also it doesn't change law outside of admissions)
  4. (23:50) However I think it's good if white people have to reconsider their impressions of how affirmative action impacted fairness.
  5. (24:00) Too many (including my younger self) assume that it resulted in fairness.
  6. (39:28) I "love"/s How the court said there shall be no discrimination, no way should we consider race in admissions. Oh but also we're absolutely going to discriminate against same sex couples that want a wedding website Jon.
  7. (41:41) U gewd.
  8. (41:51) People really have not internalized that our current institutions, placement tests, etc, were explicitly built on eugenics and designed to exclude people of color (especially Black and Indigenous people) and disabled people. The current system is affirmative action for abled white people, but on steroids.
  9. (43:07) Who, Josh Hawleys wife was the lawyer who brought the case
  10. (43:20) White Christian nationalist that's who
  11. (45:48) George W Bush was a C student in high school. He even bragged about it. He got into elite Ivy League schools solely via legacy admissions. Meritocracy???
  12. (46:17) Sooo it's fitting that these 2 cases were decided at the same time
  13. (46:26) The thing is it is not subtle! Doing a basic search on eugenics you find out very quickly that everyone was saying the quiet part VERY OUT LOUD about who they wanted to exclude, sterilize, let die. Not ancient history, either.
  14. (48:29) IM HERE! I forgot it was Thirsday!!! Stoopid red white and TUESDAY! XOXO RUDOOOOI
  15. (49:05) Gentlemen only ladies forbidden… Hey do you wanna go play golf?
  16. (01:14:28) The MC "main character" and NPC "non player character" talk is just the next stage of the everything is a simulation nonsense AKA I don't have to care about other people. But a real hero MC does in fact care about other people so let's be the realest MC's - Kenny
  17. (01:15:11) Clarence Thomas and white women have a lot in common this way. Faced with unjust power structures, people with access can either accept its logic and pursue a "pass" to be accepted as proximate to that power to get the benefits of it -- or do the long, hard, and "not in this lifetime" work of opposing those systems
  18. (01:18:06) Well if Black History Month has taught us anything...Rudes
  • Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems

  • Poverty is a policy choice

  • People Over Profits

  • Power to the People

  • None of us are free until we are all free