Q&A: hVIVO's CEO Mo Khan on developing the industry’s first commercial hMPV human challenge model

Episode 1504,   Jun 28, 2023, 06:51 AM

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(Watch the video interview HERE)

Vox speak to hVivo’s (HVO) Mo Khan about the company’s latest human challenge model, to be developed in conjunction with a customer to develop the world’s first treatments for the Human metapneumovirus.

0:30 Discussing the brand-new human challenge model, the world’s first for the Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) to be developed in conjunction with a large US biotech.
1:51 The importance of developing treatments for hMPV, for which no vaccine or antiviral currently exists.
3:14 Why the customer has opted for a human challenge model to support its vaccine development. 
4:11 Insights into the customer, a long-term partner of hVivo, and how hVivo will be using the model for other customers.
4:57 The timescales and process involved in bringing the hMPV human challengemodel into use.
6:08 Further validation of the power of human challenge models in expediting rapid drug development