Tom Butler - EVP enigma - researching Electronic Voice Phenomenon and other paranormal anomalies

Jun 16, 2023, 01:57 AM

Episode image

"There is no secret knowledge, only that which is hidden by our ignorance."

Transcommunication White Paper: with Emphasis on Electronic Voice Phenomena, Amazon Affiliate Link.

Tom Butler is Co-director at Association TransCommunication (ATransC) Facebook.

On the
website: "Here, you will find articles about visual Instrumental Trans-Communication or ITC, and audio ITC which is better known as Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP. This includes techniques and examples."

"But perhaps the most important articles on this site are the personal stories of how contact across the veil has helped people cope with the transition of a loved one."

After discovering several EVP's in some of my recent podcast recordings, I sent Tom a few samples and asked for his opinion.

Tom was kind enough to review those samples and offered some positive feedback. One EVP sample is posted at the close of the show.
Tom and Lisa are making plans to save the website content and preserving material in book form in advance of their stepping back from managing it. He says he would like to find someone who is interested in continuing the program. 6.15.23

Tom mentions where he has spent time fielding questions about the paranormal. His website notes the first question was in 2017: “How accurate is EVP recordings?”

Hoping to provide help for others who are curious about the paranormal, he has logged 240 of his answers in a book. "I have been answering the questions because most of the other answers are simply wrong, anti-paranormal or misleading."  

Good to Know About the Paranormal: Answers by Tom Butler to Questions, Affiliate link Amazon. Website Preservation Project (5 book series) Affiliate Link, Amazon.

Summary: "The set has been compiled to preserve contents to help assure that future paranormalists will have access to the material. You can access the website free of charge, but it will be removed when the Directors are no longer able to maintain the pages."

Tom's Website:

A Model for EVP. Academia

Tom's request: "If you do read the books, please consider adding a review to help me recover the cost of publication."

Wendy's Blog: