Mastering Risk: Unraveling the Truth Behind Our Fear Biases

Jun 15, 2023, 02:00 PM

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Are you aware that our ability to accurately assess risk is flawed? Think about those posters that surround the shark tanks at aquariums that compare the statistics of shark-related fatalities with seemingly innocuous household items like toasters or even the act of simply falling off a chair. Surprisingly, the numbers reveal that toasters and chairs pose a greater threat to our safety than sharks. Yet, why does the mere thought of a shark strike terror in our hearts, while a toaster fails to evoke the same dread—unless you suffer from Oikophobia, the irrational fear of household appliances?

In this podcast we delve into the depths of risk perception. Maya Fisher-French chats to Paul Nixon, head of Behavioral Finance at Momentum, to explore the diverse facets of risk within the realm of investing. Together, they'll shed light on the crucial factors that outweigh our subjective feelings about risk, such as how much risk you can truly afford to take and how much risk is necessary to achieve your goals.

Gain valuable insights into the different types of risk and learn to make informed decisions that align with your financial objectives. By understanding the complexities of risk, you'll gain a significant advantage in the investing landscape.

Don't miss out on this podcast episode, where we demystify risk and empower you to become a more astute investor. 

Emotions and Money is a podcast series in partnership with Momentum Investments.