News With My Fiancé - Thursday, June 8th, 2023

Season 3, Episode 10,   Jun 08, 2023, 09:11 PM

Episode image
Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer. 


Text Line

01- (10:19) Gooooood Morning Fee Yawn Says! What did I miss?? -Rudio

02- (11:02) Haven't gotten to see it yet but I have heard nothing but breathless praise!

03- (11:31) I didn't know about the party, but looking into it, YIKES! Love Dr. West tho.

04- (11:42) I would have loved to see him run as a dem and get in some debates to push on Biden 

& others

05- (13:09) Why do you think Cornell West wants trump to become president? What states? I’m sure they can get on more ballots in a handful of swing states to hand it to trump. Watch for republicans the funding of his and any third party left wing run.

06- (14:07) Don't you bad mouff Studio A! I love the left-handed booth A!!

07- (23:45) Many Democrats live in perpetual fear that somebody somewhere may not like them. Republicans don't care. They know who their base is. They know you and I will never vote for them, so they just shove us aside and do what they're going to do.

08- (31:30) Anyone who voted Rene Gonzales should read every word he said in that hearing and be accountable for the cruelty they've inflicted on this city

09- (35:10) Thank you for speaking on this camping ban and who is to blame. This is horrific. People really need to engage with who they are voting for cuz this was preventable. -AJ

10- (43:58) Also. We've had hella better options for city council many times and yet voters did this through who they voted for and it NOT funding. Also speak on how city council is gonna try to gut PCEF

11-  (44:50) I understand your side on the this latest homeless camping ban and that when you heard the news it hit you with a wave of disappointment and anger. When I heard it, it hit me with a wave of excitement and I may have even yelled out 'Yes!'. You asked who the city council did this for? They did it for taxpayers. When you're a taxpayer, you spend your hard earned money to invest in the place you live in which include safe streets to walk down. The homeless crisis has created an unsafe, violent, and drug fueled environment and has made it unlivable for taxpayers which is why Portland continues to lose residents at an alarming rate. Finally, after 3 years of dealing with this, the city has throne us a bone.

12- (49:39) From the Mercury coverage on this:

"A collaborative study done by nonprofit groups and the University of California Irvine in Southern California found the region spent more on services for chronically homeless people than it would have spent on permanent supportive housing."

13- (55:13) Where's that money 🤔

14- (55:25) I'm a taxpayer too and I want my tax dollars used to help people, not to bully them and deny them the basic human need to sleep

15- (59:03) Fuck them cops

16- (59:11) And thank you for speaking on this reimbursement saga

17- (59:20) IT DOESNT! It ranks programming and the gov knows this. It's intentional

18- (1:07:57) FCC would NOT approve of the words coming out of my mouth responding to this guy today. So sick of this imaginary "refusing services" problem instead of asking the obvious problem of why aren't services meeting people's needs and improving the situation?

19- (1:13:57) Refuse what services🥴 shelters aren't taking folks. Addictions services aren't taking folks. There aren't housing dollars. What his he even speaking about. There are not services available bc funds have stopped

20-  (1:14:13) A lot of this is Dan Ryan's own Shame via how he let his brother die in the street rather than help him 🙃

Missed Texts

01- “Hi, I was listening to this show this morning in the car and so could not respond to a question tossed to the listeners in real time. So I hope you can forward this on. The question was, if an NGO has a small budget, and the city or county will supplement that budget, but only after that budget is completely spent, how does the NGO plan for and implement a ramp up in services. Having thought about this for the fifteen minutes remaining in the show, and not working in finance (so, to use the choices offered by Ambush, being unqualified to be in the conversation), it seems to me that leveraging the promise of the refill to get a bank to front the money might be an option. It's what businesses do. Oftentimes bridge loans are risky and expensive, but one backed by a government grant might be a bit more stable. Again, to use the language of the show, turning a $16mil cup into a $30mil cup, instead of the $32mil might be worth it, although it's a drag that the people who always do the best are the banks. Anyway, it was a great "discussion" with Ambush doing both sides. Thanks for the thought-provoking ideas. Kendra”

02- Absolutely!

03- They show up after crimes and take notes. How dumb. They prevent nothing

04- Dan Ryan is the devil and a liar. Hearing this is sick. I can't

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    People Over Profits
    Power to the People
    None of us are free until we are all free