Gavin Kings chats with Pat Flanagan, a retired engineer and director of Flanagan Consulting Group, about the logistics of developing new subdivisions in the Barron River delta flood catchment area.

May 26, 2023, 02:58 AM

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Gavin Kings chats with Pat Flanagan, a retired engineer and director of Flanagan Consulting Group, about the logistics of developing new subdivisions in Cairns.

Mr. Flanagan was involved with the once-proposed AQUIS project, which was to be developed on the cane fields around Yorkey's Knob.

The idea of developing on the Barron River delta, north of Cairns City, was dismissed, and the area was referred to as "undevelopable" by Mr. Flanagan. Instead, he proposed two alternative solutions to address an increasing population: either double the footprint of land or double the density of housing.