Catalyst "Origin Story" Raphael and Sarah Perrier: Kahwa Coffee 5-18-23

Season 1, Episode 6288,   May 18, 2023, 07:58 PM

Episode image
Raphael Perrier met his wife Sarah in a Philadelphia coffee shop. At the time, she was a professional dancer. He had just graduated from Temple University and took a job in La Colombe Coffee Roaster’s first location to avoid working for a big corporation. She wasn’t a coffee drinker, but became one while visiting Raphael “very often” at La Colombe, and enjoying the hearts he made in her latte foam as much as the drink itself.  She would later become Kahwa’s first coffee roaster. 

Raphael held most positions at La Colombe. He started in the shop as a cashier and then a barista. When he became bored, the owners moved him over to the business side where he learned roasting, and sold millions of dollars worth of coffee. 

Eventually it was time to strike out on his own. Raphael started a successful nightclub and ran it until the 6 a.m. “daily” finishing time became too incompatible with the family life the Perriers sought to grow into. With money from the sale of the club and no restrictions on their next move, the couple moved to St Petersburg, where Sarah spent most of her childhood. 

After a false start trying to acquire the restaurant and bar in the Ponce de Leon hotel, Kahwa was born. Life since has been a an exercise in working hard, having fun, avoiding boredom and being in love.

In this Origin Story, you’ll hear the whole story directly from the founders. #kahwa #kahwacoffee #stpetecatalyst #tampabay #originstory #stpete #stpetefl #radiostpete